7. March 2007 - 11:27
:DEVA*eXtReMe: wrote:
Nice Team
Can i join ?
This is an invite-only team, so dont bother asking for membership. We want you, we get you.
wait to be invited
7. March 2007 - 12:29
oups :oops:
9. March 2007 - 4:51
its like challanging me in sex and drinking
I was about to write "its like challenging me in alcohol, drugs and fucking up my life", but I was too busy getting drunk & fucking up my life ^^
14. March 2007 - 18:22
Lemon probably the only team to beat this combination
2S maybe in CTF
14. March 2007 - 18:26
zoo won vs pi in ctf
16. March 2007 - 0:53
yes, my dear zoo GG 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105......I loved ctf4
16. March 2007 - 8:40
Yes the server freezing every four seconds or so was a highlight in my life too. :roll:
16. March 2007 - 9:32
excuses excuses
16. March 2007 - 13:16
Screen shots? Demos anywhere? Thanks.
16. March 2007 - 13:28
zoo web has it all