damn command lines
damned could somebody give me the right kick ban status etc command lines? fuck my stypidity
/rcon k 2 cause your a spammer
you can type k or kick/ 2 is the players slot nummber/ and the last is the reason you kicked him/her
/rcon status
list the players IP and slot number
/rcon addip ###.###.###.###
thats how to ban them
or \rcon addip ###.###.* (for example 192.168.*) to ban the whole IP range
/rcon password kick magic
and what should be the sv max rate? with 2mbs/512 connection
and how the private client works?
where i put the rconpw?
sv_maxRate 25000
Private clients are the players who can log in using a private password. They can log in even if the server is full so its good for the admins.
\seta rconPassword "*******"
Thx for the servers mate - GG
and what should be the sv max rate? with 2mbs/512 connection
and how the private client works?
where i put the rconpw?