Dark Angel & Black Rose removed from ranking.
Just an FYI, Dark Angel & Black Rose have been removed from ranking moderation. Please direct all ranking issues to Fate & Skull.
GL Fate&Skull but Dark and Rose was cool to have cuz they were for real toghether
That's how it should be,
Good luck Fate & Skull
good luck guys
Why removed?

Why removed?
they did many bad things to the community it was a must

Why removed?they did many bad things to the community it was a must
Or you are sarcastic or I really didn't noticed those things... I don't know what can be bad in rank moderating. Those job is for slaves...
I was wondering too about the word removed. Sounds like
they did realy bad things .
More like they went on a campaign of "behind your back"smear campaigns and the sort of level of schoolyard bickering that made the Skullina (Skullhead + Leukothea/Ina, May 2008 - February 2009) look like adult, responsible, reasonable, calm and collected rank administrators. (here's a hint: I'm being sarcastic)
I'm sure this will make a lot of peolpe sad.