Dates/time for O.S.R.C.II mi3 vs ERA
I know u don't finished 1st round yet, but anyway i should ask you about dates for second round. Deadline is 18th the March.
17 saturday or 18 sunday 20 cet.
ok. good.
Can we play it:
1. Today at 20:00 or 21:00 CET
2. Tomorrow 20:00 CET
3. Wednesday 20:00 CET
Many ppl from us can't play at this weekend.
I think it's possible to play in week. Depends from our m8s.
so when ?
So can you play tomorrow at 20:00 CET ?? Or we need to play it in Saturday at 20:00 CET (but im not sure we will have ppl).
Blitz just replied to your pm
Main reason that we are struggling for a team as many of our members working through this week , their shift pattern has made it harder for us , but come the weekend everyone of them will be free i would think , so it would be a problem .
Im sure we came come to some sorta compromise
21-00 cet Sunday ?

21-00 cet Sunday ?
Yes, here: [O.S.R.CII]BY A-ONES.DE
Okey, thanks for reply.
I think sunday is better for us. At least i will be at home
I will post info here when ask my friends.
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