Deex serwer
Can someone who has root access to Deex please provide a reason why i was banned please?
Me and my friend digit and my friend spider were playing and talking, and all of a sudden i find myself banned. Please provide cause or at least a reason for banning, based on logs.
Not Wery!
dude im 23. Mistress isnt a pedophile im on my age to deserve...
ok ok seriously.. it was because you say some pedo words on the server.
I reckognised i called Kee a peadophile, and i apologise for it
this would worked
Well man your vision is way too wrong man. And let me tell you something... kee is daaaam HOOOOOT ! and dam bio is a luckfuck lol
As for e+ talk, you are insulting an admin from the server, mod of the forums, without even made an offense to you or anyone else in e+.
So why you had to go so personal againts her? its your wrong move not hers..
and if you still keep calling her that way im sorry but ill be forced to cancel your E+ account for a while untill you realize you where wrong bro ...
fO ShoOoOo c:
Heh.. will be deleted anyway. Dave, please dont be throwing more complaints my way, cos your peadophile rednecks don't seem sensitive bout the situation anyway.
Just blame it on Edawn