defuse FF
i think, that only the attacked player
should die by firendly Fire.
The Joke of FF is,
that 2 players go in,
and if 1 is shot by FF,
the teamFragger has to fight alone.
If both players die, it changes the whole
And it takes out the action, that would follow,
if the TeamFragger would not die! (N)
ye off it..!
it makes more sense to me that the one who shot his teammate dies and teammate respawns

it makes more sense to me that the one who shot his teammate dies and teammate respawns
+another thing: ff makes game much more spamless... and its quite needed here.

it makes more sense to me that the one who shot his teammate dies and teammate respawns
Yeah this way makes more sense but doesn't it happen already? Also, I find it annoying when teammates purposely mg or nade you and you get health loss - only the guy shooting should have his health reduced imo.
blame urself and the spamming fags.
and i hate freeze team-stealers !! i would prefer them to die instead of me! right now they still can kill me ... and i have to respawn 20 km away from there while they tawn .. only because i had lower health (seenable from Team Overlay)
wasnt it like ff is random?? i mean either u get frozen or u respawn after being teamfragged..though the teamfragger gets frozen...
actually is like he gets an amount of the damage he gives ..
so if for example if he does X damage to Me he receives also an Y damage but what if I have less the X health ?? i will die .. but he won't die because he had Y+Z health!!! so .... at least that's what i saw on beer freezer a couple of times..
the problem comes if its not intentionally .. if its by mistake .. i did some tks by mistake shot ... when enemy eclipsed a teammate but my teammate shoted him and i shoted my teammate... somehow i didnt got frozen .. but he got killed. (probably same calculation like above happen)
but i also agree with skull here ... stop the spamm!!
And forgot to say, typical situation in the current ff system: Two people spawn one after the other at the same point. Person who spawns first tends to move off with nade and quite often hits the late spawner, meaning both guys start round with -150 health which is just ghey!