Demo playback
hey folks. have a problem. the usual way i record demos is using a bind F9 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0; echo recording". Now i tried to record something a single player game and when i tried playing it back it plays out of synch. all flickery.
then i changed the binds to do jsut g_synch 1 and record and echo and then record the demo and then use a bind to stoprecord and g_synch 0. this time the demo plays back ok.
what is the deal? is there any way i can avoid this cos i also found out with g_synch 1 movements are affected. adversely.
i'd say you either have some cpu-eating programs running in the background when you are recording or your com_maxfps is set to some low value.
simple in lan during record demo g_synchronousClients must be 1 on net play i should be 0.
run a dedicated lan server on your comp then connect to it on your comp.
fixes the problem for me.
use q3mme to clear the jerky demos if you use it for movies with smooth clients.
ok i kinda found out y for a part of the problem. when u have g_synchronousClients 1, the speed you gain by executing a strafejump, especially a cpma style one, is much less than that you would gain if g_synchronousClients had been 0. dont know y this is so, but it is.
still dont know y the demo plays all flickery if i record it with synch 0. gah!
#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan