DEST 2:0 PRO/17.07.2006/RANKED
Dimension EVOL.TDM server Nihils cfg.
Pure ON
Freeze Tag 3v3 - Best of 3
Match 1. q3dm14 Dest 15:1 Pro
Match 2. q3dm7 Dest 15:3 Pro
GG's both teams, gg pro, you are nice guys
gg pro! rematch?
gg dest nice freeze performance hella
and ofc nice try pro
oh yes, dont forget: big thanks to rena for borrowing us the evol-server to let this cw happen. and his endurance with us and the pro-team which was unhappy with the first server and needed 30 minutes :!: finding their way to the other one.
ty man
wow scores maybe next time pro
Zoimt: Oh yes, dont forget: big thanks to rena for borrowing us the evol-server to let this cw happen. and his endurance with us and the pro-team which was unhappy with the first server and needed 30 minutes :!:finding their way to the other one.
ty man
Welcome back
My duty as referee is to help clans to play CWs. And providing our server, thanks to our clan leader.
I was there as server ruller and as referee.
PRO clan have his first rank CW.
Everything going just fine.
It is good for DEST clan backing to bussiness, specialy on PB On and Pure On.
All we know that they was unfortunate with couple bad guys RAM, FREAK...
Welcome back DEST and GL&HF.
GGs :roll:
gg teams
maybe FW with KTM??
Wow! You rock Dest! Ey PRO you can that better!