Develop ExcessivePlus

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Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic

Start discussion about this :

Java, JSP, Languages PLUGIN for web pages

plugin have to be = universal interface for make tournaments

we must have templates aplicable for massive create webs sample for clans

here exist server spider PART 1 php code

here must exist PART 2 php code for use qName util

here is need PART 3 plugin for use as interface to RANK

here is need PART 4 bbforum

and PART 5 php site design

--- PARTS for develop webs needed -----------------------

*- web php
*- forum php
*- spider PART template
*- qName PART implementation to web, forum, chat plugin, spider
*- RANK & challenge PART code

must be MODULAR developer database here

we have pretty WASP games.log parser engine php for servers MODUL

give more template PARTS ! not only SPIDER for clans to build good webs or rebuild E+

discuss about, we dont have ... here is nothing, all must be buy for cost 160 000 CZK ? !

Excessiveplus is not done, is not PARTIALY MODULAR for developers

the same in game self


i say i have 50000CZK --- 25.08.2016 for build quake webs

beazt's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Develop ExcessivePlus

it looks community doesnt support your idea. anyway before you waste your money for useless work, read this:

^^ you arent the first1 who came with idea of something new

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