Disruption In E+ Community
There has been many problems, and it's going to get sorted out:
The Community at this point in time is breaking apart, there is a major plan to fix it all up, but I don't know if I am alloud too announce the plans yet.
As far as I am concerned, there are new people, cheaters have cut down, and some shifting in the community. This will all come to a new beginning, very soon.
YES !!
2x post lol
^lol I am posting enough as is I'm just a whore
well im not so sure its breaking up.....its summer most ppl get out in the sun...and go on holiday....come winter things will be different....
and at the moment there are more clans and newer ppl comming all the time
..and announce ?, what are you talking about ?...sounds like a conspiracy.....who's plans ? and who would say you are not "allowed" to say ?...etc etc...... ...and why do you know and no one else...or perhaps they do......lol.....many unanswerd questions
*edit*....that said, i for sure support the building of this community....but just dont get/like the cloak and dagger stuff.....

As far as I am concerned, there are new people, cheaters have cut down, and some shifting in the community. This will all come to a new beginning, very soon.
yes agree...except im not so sure cheating has cut down...i think perhaps they just got better at cheating ...and the cheats got more difficult to spot
and new beggining.....? it all sounds a bit like a plot from a B movie
..sorry its a bit difficult to read...i just woke up...had to edit lots lol
Yeah, I am very curious too, only thing that can help the WHOLE community is a new league
Think so to wax the cheaters are just more dificult to spot now days
And Term what are u on about now then lol
i dont understand why the servers didnt running with PB and PURE 1 its stupid and the servers dont lag!!! we have test it of League server!! So make all server with PURE 1 its the best for all !!

well, I can't quite say yet, all I say is that stuff will change around here
You see...all that does if fuel questions....and im not being funny term i like you and all that ...it just feels just a little odd that some one i see play maybe once every now and again, posts open ended comments that are almost veiled threats about a game and community many love, and say things like "stuff will change around here"
it almost seems like you are enjoying having this knowledge over the rest/most of the community
imo this mod is not on the way out as a few think....but that does not mean it feels a little fragile at the moment....
remember 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing'
.....im not sure why this bothers me...it just does lol
I will post here too HA :twisted:
::BUMP:: I dont know what section this is in but YES. Thats what we need to do, this is a great game, and a Great MOD But if we all who like it dont put in effort to keep it alive it wont. Maybe we need to let base q3 players know about E+ or something but we can filter all the people that are breaking this MOD up. Ok enough with the good words .... . Wassssssssssssup!! LOL If you are interested POST Dammit.... EMAIL ME SOME THING!!!!! THINGS ARE TOO SLOW AROUND HERE!