DNA is dead
12. January 2008 - 18:47
Just wanted to make it official, it's dead.
Problem is only Xeno could delete DNA from Clandb and he's inactive for months now and also banned on this forum.. so could someone do sth?
12. January 2008 - 19:10
Re: DNA is dead
Just wanted to make it official, it's dead.
Problem is only Xeno could delete DNA from Clandb and he's inactive for months now and also banned on this forum.. so could someone do sth?
sad news but gl in soul
12. January 2008 - 20:23
DNA is dead
aww thats a shame. it came back from the dead only to die again.
Good luck with your new clans guys
12. January 2008 - 20:50
DNA is dead
aww Xeno alway be the same. Some ppl can't change. GL in SOUL