Do you use pmove_fixed?
Just a question. If yes, what exact value of pmove_msec and why you need that.
pmove_fixed shouldn't be used on any fragging servers beside unaltered physic servers with 125 fps.
for example defrag server, pmove_fixed 1, pmove_msec 8, most stuff default, honestly, why you care? pmove got introduced to fix the com_maxfps 333 problem with people jumping higher etc, with a quake update they fixed the maxfps problem so pmove (which is actually lagging server) became worthless, however its still in q3 code.
I was using it in the early days of Quake 3 (around 2000/2001) when PCs weren't able to deliver steady 125 fps. I used it to be able to do da l33t trickz like the mega jump on dm13 or on t2 the jump out of tele to the upper platform. I am not using it these days.
This was tried by Foksie in some old cfg, and the result was a really
odd feeling in movement/jumps....(not that anyone complained or noticed back
tanne noticed mirc.
tanne noticed mirc.
yea, she instantly closed quake because of it and started eve-online again
pb kicks for pmove also....
it gives me more jittering on the mouse movement when i am turning around, but for sure makes all jumps easier to do, but because of the jittering i prefer to keep it off all thought in osp i always played with 1
pb kicks for pmove also....
not by default.