do you using mouse accel/filter?
Low sensitivity, no acceleration, no filter here.
I used to use acceleration back in the first quake though. There was no simple way to turn it off and I got used to it. I'm still not sure whether I'd prefer acceleration or no acceleration, but I guess I lean toward the latter.
can i have explanation about m_filter ?
i dont see the use of that command , even if i had a look on a french's q3's website thx
My humble settings:-
Using razer diamondback set at 500mhz
seta sensitivity "70"
seta cl_mouseAccel "1"
seta m_pitch "0.00075"
seta m_yaw "0.0007"
seta m_forward "0.0007"
seta m_side "0.0006"
seta m_filter "0"
seta m_pitch "0.00075"
seta m_yaw "0.0007"
My weapon binds change pitch/yaw for each weapon individually
bind SPACE "weapon 5;cg_drawcrosshair 1; m_pitch 0.011; m_yaw 0.011"
bind v "weapon 8;cg_drawcrosshair 8; m_pitch 0.010; m_yaw 0.010"
bind MOUSE3 "weapon 2;cg_drawcrosshair 5; m_pitch 0.012; m_yaw 0.012"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapon 7;cg_drawcrosshair 5; m_pitch 0.0097; m_yaw 0.0097"
And so on.
filter seems to make mouse less resposnive for me, I dont use it.
accel 0.12
in_mouse -1
can someone tell me what is "cg_oversampleMouse" ?
filter seems to make mouse less resposnive for me, I dont use it.
accel 0.12
in_mouse -1can someone tell me what is "cg_oversampleMouse" ?
here is quick explanation - thanks to google
i used acceleration long time, but last month iam playing with mouseaccel 0, sensitivity 4.02 - 4.1 and mouse filter 1. On some maps i have suprising good aim:-)
Apple Mac mini M4 + Apple Magic Keyboard + Logitech G603