Do you want animated forum names?
no because it would just be to much flashing and all that
maybe you have some way to turn them on and off, personally i would love to see the full animation of mine and others names..
yup gogogo
yeah i like the option idea,
[code:1]if (OptAnimateNames) {
echo animated name;
} else {
echo non-animated name;

yeah i like the option idea,
[code:1]if (OptAnimateNames) {
echo animated name;
} else {
echo non-animated name;
I agree.. this feature might take a little longer for slower connections.. so they should have the option right?
agreeable ...
yup what i said, you should be able to turn it on if you want it

agreeable ...
i was looking for a word to describe exactly what I thought about this subject
And agreeable absolutely is perfect
Unless I can turn them off.
hmmm maybe indifferent is more apt...