Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE READ BEFORE VOTING!!!!!

38 replies [Last post]
mistress's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

Hello E+ community!

I've been away for some time and I want to apologize for being absent.
A lot of things happened recently, a lot negative, as I have seen from your pm's.
I've decided to make a fresh start and try to make the community worth staying in.
This time YOU get to pick. I will suggest a name soon, and you will vote for or against that person.

I encourage you to leave comments, but please make constructive ones!
(Instead of "Fuck you you can't do that fucking job", please write "I don't think you would fit in because...[reason]"

First I'll start off with a simple poll, just to warm you up for the voting spree.
You have 4 days to vote.
Take care, and have fun voting here:



Joined: Mar 2010
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...

banned to blade

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...

I demand for a moderator
- transparency
- polls on stuff which affects people in general
- keeping threads clean of offtopic as far as neccassary
- stop flamings
- stay out of all contentious debates or lead them in the right direction
- avoid conflicts of interest and bias
- moving conversations into the right section of the forum
- close/locking threads, edit and/or deleting threads with a remark in a colour (red/yellow or whatever, so people know why and what)
- Post-remarks in a colour if a post does not fit in which way ever
- stick and unstick threads
- split and merge threads (if it is possible on this board 1 day again)
etc bla bla
- ban k1ller and delete all his posts ^^

while transparency is the most important thing for me.

Actually i am not interested to moderate again, and not beeing able to post in a way i want to. Always trying to be as unbiased as possible, but if it can lead to success i guess maybe i would try again. I also suggest madbringer ^^, mircwar, and i don't mean this as joke. We all 3 are theoretically able to act on a unbiased way if needed. Furthermore, we are not fans of eachother which leads a bit into self-controle. I also suggest terror back on rank mod (maybe together with skull Tongue). He know what mistakes he did and what mistakes the current rankmods did, so this time it just can become better.

Ofc, the 2nd part of my post looks like pure sarcasm, but actually i mean it serious, while i doubt that madbringer, mircwar and terror would jump in again after they all, including me were spit into face which also did lead to our nowadays behavior.

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...

/ give cookies -> mistress

... one question, if poll will show that "yes" we want changes...
What will change ? I mean, who will be "fired" ? can I choose ?
And hopefully it's not just about moderators, there are already rotten
apples in administrations circle Confused

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...

i guess first we should know how big the demand is Happy

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...

Did we allready begin the new flame/sarcasm war?

Fps isnt running out for a mod, anyhow you both were them, and if the first one didnt do something usefull at all, the second one introduced ranking rules in non-edited version and now the tears are starting because of its editing.

Anyhow, Impiuses candidates like Impius himself and Terror arent serious, because its 2 totally subjective people which are making decidions based on personal attitude to a current person, and which will leave after the first serious problem they face, Madbringer also, troll as a mod isnt serious.

Not necesserly to change something due of lack of candidates for this job.

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...

Well yes I was moderator, I've made couple mistakess myself in that time,
but I suppose I realized that I made them and appologized for it.
Also I always gave a poll thread when I couldn't decide myself about some thing
regarding ranking.
I demand objective and cooperative moderators, not dictators.
That's it, besides I don't know if u noticed but I have quite good personal
relations with fala, but I'm totally dissing his latest crap with giving up
bans "for free".
Think about it.

Ultra D's picture
Joined: May 2009
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...

Madbringer doesn't want to be moderator, he told that in my blog almost month ago.

D3L1GH7 wrote:
Okay guys, next time I wanna waste time on a useless topic I'll call you.

LNx's picture
Joined: May 2006
LT Lithuania
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...

Ultra, he was moderator than you even didnt played e+...

This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny to your signature help him gain world domination.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.. [G.Orwell]

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...

Thats more than obvious the place need changes, the problem lay not in the moderation or wrong rules, the problem laying in the thing nobody willing to show respect for anyone and the people who wearing Admin/Moderators signatures are even scared to voice their opinions because they quickly becoming a target and blamed for the whole worlds problems.

The major problem is people do not discuss but jump to their troughs killing in the name of their believes and insult each other, every one want to force things to go their way and basta. Far far easier it is to explain someone the problem in a detailed and easy to understand way and doing it polite and friendly, then actually u can expect someone will going to discuss with u and not hes going to defend himself...

Community lack the cooperation, and it is defenietly hard to cooperate when nobody wants to... If u guys insult people around, naming them stupids noobs, trying to hurt their feelings, laugh out of them what kind of cooperation u do expect?

I am addicted to life.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Do you want things to change for the better here? PLEASE ...
animalchik wrote:

Thats more than obvious the place need changes, the problem lay not in the moderation or wrong rules, the problem laying in the thing nobody willing to show respect for anyone and the people who wearing Admin/Moderators signatures are even scared to voice their opinions because they quickly becoming a target and blamed for the whole worlds problems.

Transparency is the key, give the users no possibility to behave like cheetahs. Do important decissions by polls, than u can blame it on the people and not on the moderation. I still have no answer about my question to the reason of the lag-rule. Answer was "many people wanted it". This is no transparency.