Do you want to have a server forum where you can check all servers topics ?
if you mean voting for a map rotation for every server, and stuff like that then I fully support the idea.
Also things such as:
- what is basic info on x server
- what cfg is running on x server
- any special settings on x server
- things you should know about x server (special rules, etc.)
- who are active admins on x server
- how to contact server admin in case of abuse
- how to contact owner (if other than admin)
While alot of this is information which can be found on the spider, most people don't know about such settings being visible, and this subforum would be a good way to make all of it easily accessible. It also would provide for additional info that isn't visible in basic server settings through spider. Good idea, I think.
Also things such as:
- what is basic info on x server
- what cfg is running on x server
- any special settings on x server
- things you should know about x server (special rules, etc.)
- who are active admins on x server
- how to contact server admin in case of abuse
- how to contact owner (if other than admin)While alot of this is information which can be found on the spider, most people don't know about such settings being visible, and this subforum would be a good way to make all of it easily accessible. It also would provide for additional info that isn't visible in basic server settings through spider. Good idea, I think.
I'll use beer freezer as an example
Info 21 3 2 2 1 1 6 US RU NI US 2g 2h 2h 2h
Uptime 23:32:17
fraglimit 15
g_blueTeam ^4BLUE
g_gametype 8
g_needpass 0
g_redTeam ^1RED
gamename excessiveplus
mapname q3dm8
protocol 68
roundlimit 0
sv_allowDownload 1
sv_hostname ^6BEER^1.^2FREEZER
sv_maxRate 25000
sv_maxclients 16
sv_privateClients 2
sv_punkbuster 0
sv_pure 1
timelimit 20
version Q3 1.32c linux-i386 May 8 2006
xp_version 1.04-beta6 plusN.cfg b407b87de1f0859808ef1f581395fd3a PlusN Config 2.11
Score_Time 125
Score_Red 3
Score_Blue 2[/code:1]
Admins are also listed on some servers in some servers
spider is more than efficient for all that
but having a place to discuss is nice, however servers should be allotted webspace and a link from forum (if requested) or a more reliable link.
Of course, once again spider is just as efficient being it offers a link to their website. Even when people have technology they don't want to use it.
I voted yes just because a place to discuss would be nice but, I feel a lot of people do not even know about the e+ spider.
14 votes, 3 comments, GJ voters...
Admins are also listed on some servers in some servers
spider is more than efficient for all that
but having a place to discuss is nice, however servers should be allotted webspace and a link from forum (if requested) or a more reliable link.Of course, once again spider is just as efficient being it offers a link to their website. Even when people have technology they don't want to use it.
I voted yes just because a place to discuss would be nice but, I feel a lot of people do not even know about the e+ spider.
That's exactly why I think it's a good idea to have the forum Even when something's right in front of people they don't see it, such as the post about Q3 cvars that was in Mowly's sig for like over 9000 years. But information which is not available through the spider could be presented also. Just what that info would be I don't know yet... but we're creative people, I'm sure we'll come up with something useful. Or something to eat up bandwidth even if it's not exactly useful. We're awfully good at that too.
voted no cuz if its in ur face already, and u don't notice it... whatever. the info is already there.
many people just have shut there face and still do not understand for example why, com_maxfps, and cl_maxpackets should be synchronized.
I did not vote at all, yet, and i guess i won't. I am afraid of voting yes, what means i think people are lazy or stupid and no would mean that i think they are not lazy and stupid. Both version i don't like.
But if there would be a server-section, I could at least say to the people. "GDI asshead, are u blind, look in the server section or use the search button".
I voted f1, it's easier... the easier the access, the more the players, eh?
I mean by that having a sub-forum dedicated to servers.
how can you get informations about a server right now? you need to make a research and not sure to find.
that could regroup :
- servers informations topics
- ppl suggestions on other threads
- all what is about e+ servers
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