Does World Of Warcraft suck?
jeez what a nerd? Who choose wow instead of his woman. The woman goes first in allmost every happy marriage.
i think world of warcraft is a pretty cool guy. eh destroys lives and doesn't afraid of anything
dude, i know some friend of me playing this SHIT non stop, it piss me off when you have games like Q3 playing that
there isnt any word for say YES to that foksie
Only lazy people, in the deepest meaning of the word, don't realize that real life is the best mmrpg
This relationship was probably doomed to begin with. With a divorce rate around 50% in this country Warcraft seems as good a reason for any.
i know some dood who plays WoW together with his gf <<<<:
i play wow too but i don't forget other things xD to me it's a game, like quake, i play it for fun and only when i got enough time or wanna take a break from (e.g.) studying.
but it's one of those games that you can spend all your time on and still theres more and more to reach, that's why people get so addicted ^^
i played wow, left about 3 months ago, cos its boring
dete kreten..
My gf plays wow, should i be worried now?