*DS* 5:0 SHOX/21.05.2006/RANKED
q3dm17 TDM ( shox choice ) 200:184 for DS
q3dm11 TDM ( DS choice ) 200:177 for DS
q3dm6 TDM ( shox choice ) 200:188 for DS
q3dm7 Freez ( shox choice ) 10:5 for DS
q3dm8 Freez ( DS choice ) 15:4 for DS
GG SHOX and Thnx for game
Gg both.
gg 8-[
hum close match anyway even with 5/0
gg both
nice Shox gg ds:]
gg both
6 ds people on server. good thing you lacked people for drt vs ds cw ... :roll:

6 ds people on server. good thing you lacked people for drt vs ds cw ... :roll:
ds said not enough of their good players to play drt, you should be proud of it
but damn yeah!! that's not nice if ds could play drt.
They planed the war long time ago, they were obivously enough to play it so drt should have won with WO.
DS challenge DRT, DRT plan a match and tell to their members to come for what ? to see 1 day before the war, that ds prefer to play someone else cauz some members away ?
two map more
"Only God Can Judge Me"