i made a new, lil pack of 3 DTB-maps,
to demonstrate all Domination-types:
"Manda" (simpleDomination):
u need to enter the teleporter in the enemies base
and touch the dom-point before ur teleported back to ur base!
"Kamacuras" (doubleDomination):
u need to occupy both Domination-Points for a few secs,
to gain extra-points for ur team!
"Gabarah" (classicDomination):
u need to turn all dom-points into ur teamColor by touchin them
and then enter the teleporter in the center to gain extra-points!

i wonder, insanekid, what's your nationality? oh, and what's the correct pronunciation of this title?
That shader in manda you made is cool the one which says DTB
Are these just experiments or real maps?

but all DTB-maps are named for
ah, that makes much more sense then, cuz in russian 'manda' means smth between 'pussy' and 'cunt' (smth not as obscene as 'cunt', but still kinda rude). i can't imagine though, how such a monster would be looking smth really terrible, that's for sure.
here's a pic of MIGHTY MURZILLA, to fill the gap:
What's with the disco song?
the maps might not be big ...
and they might demonstrate mainly ...
but they are playable! (with a few players)!
i´d suggest 4vs4, top/maximum!
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