E+ 1.03 needed to run a test server(downgrade)
3. June 2016 - 21:07
Hi everyone!
May I have your attention please?
For the real slim shady, please stand up!
We've got a problem here xD
Seriously now:
I need the excessive plus installer v 1.03.
I asked Kersy to run a test server and she has agreed, but she needs the mod etc..
Please somebody of you guys upload it and share here.
3. June 2016 - 21:25
Re: E+ 1.03 needed to run a test server(downgrade)
Make a server with 1.03 and ill gladly come there instead of any 2.3b
3. June 2016 - 22:14
Re: E+ 1.03 needed to run a test server(downgrade)
nice to see that something is changing. 1.03 FTW
3. June 2016 - 22:48
Re: E+ 1.03 needed to run a test server(downgrade)
I'm looking forward on this, although I'm not a freeze fan :]
4. June 2016 - 17:58
Re: E+ 1.03 needed to run a test server(downgrade)
Does anybody have any old server.cfg
or at least any documentation
4. June 2016 - 15:39
Re: E+ 1.03 needed to run a test server(downgrade)

I'm looking forward on this, although I'm not a freeze fan :]
time for a ctf evening on borg
10. June 2016 - 18:07
Re: E+ 1.03 needed to run a test server(downgrade)
4. June 2016 - 19:59
Re: E+ 1.03 needed to run a test server(downgrade)
Thank you very much ash - so first 1.03 server will be a borg
That is what we are going to do probably
We will test a server with 1.03 and if things will work better
and people will like it, it will be not a bad idea to downgrade beer in future.
Ofc I just say, I'm not the owner.
Let's hope for the good!
Wow spasibo bolshoe violence!
I send the links to Kersy
My ideas and content for E+:
- PlusN tips: How to set your keyboard & mouse
- Excessive Plus Future - Join Volunteers Team
- Excessiveplus stand alone project and ideas
.DoK. Clan® founder/leader since October 2008 ©..DoK. Clan Trailer <-- Thanks to DoK SoftAir.

Throphy: 3rd place AFC 2010.
]DOK[ DanGeR FroSteD!
Caipiroska-fragola , Sex on the beach, Pink floid
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