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E+ Members Desktops
14. March 2006 - 19:00
Post Up Your Desktop Here, not your actual PC, but Your GUI
I have two. My Laptop :
And My Desktop PC :
Note : They are only at that size (1024 x 768) for uploading purposes.
14. March 2006 - 19:36
14. March 2006 - 19:56
E+ Members Desktops
my suicide box
14. March 2006 - 20:15
E+ Members Desktops
huh ?
14. March 2006 - 20:18
E+ Members Desktops
Polak Potrafi :thumbright:
14. March 2006 - 20:23
14. March 2006 - 20:24
E+ Members Desktops
14. March 2006 - 21:05
14. March 2006 - 21:20
E+ Members Desktops
I never see my desktop anyway, no need to eat up more memory with pretty pictures
14. March 2006 - 23:35
E+ Members Desktops
but week ago i had complite shambles
i wonder where you got this idea from
here is mine: http://forums.excessiveplus.net/download.php?id=3724