E+ to Quake Live Workshop
I'm looking for someone who is capable of porting e+ to qlive from steam workshop .
Reward $500.00
Half paid once project is underway.
U told here all what i want say=)

I'm looking for someone who is capable of porting e+ to qlive from steam workshop .
Reward $500.00
Half paid once project is underway.
1. It isn't possible to create mods at ql. The workshop is just for maps, models and factories (weapon configs like at E+). The factories aren't capable to emulate E+
2. At ql aren't more players. Check the server lists for the whole q3 and ql.
ql: https://ql.syncore.org/
478 people are playing ql at the moment
q3: https://www.quakeservers.net/quake3/servers/so=8/l=0/
663 people are playing q3 at the moment (all mods, including urban terror)
Without Urban terror around the same amount of players.
3. I'm with you, that we shouldn't stay at q3, but we can't and shouldn't take ql.
In 2017 will be released two potential games:
- Quake champions
It's still 50% : 50% for the mod support at qc. Let's hope for it. Release ???, but probably 2017.
Link: https://quake.bethesda.net
- Diabotical
Full mod support. Release at the middle of 2017.
Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/84288219/diabotical-by-the-gd-studio
Nice catch GE, Diabotical looks really funny reminding me Warsow.
So QL is a closed case.
Quake Champions could be the hope, as some other mods supporting fps.
To know it 100%, we can only wait its release this year.
So, E+ should enhance its portability to be playable in QC and(why not, later) other fps games.
Until then, something should be done to realize it and at least to prepare the site(keeping q3 e+ in evidence for the moment).
let's play BF

1. It isn't possible to create mods at ql. The workshop is just for maps, models and factories (weapon configs like at E+). The factories aren't capable to emulate E+
that's where you're wrong kid
> https://github.com/MinoMino/minqlx
instead of a mod as we know them we get scripts, same shit in a different coat really.
2. At ql aren't more players. Check the server lists for the whole q3 and ql.
UrT does not count as quake 3 mod because it went standalone and no longer uses any core from q3 asides from maybe the same protocol (68)
half of q3 servers are populated with bots, take crom/lightning ctf servers.
anyway. I doubt there's much reason to stay on ql/q3. we got plenty of online shooters out there.
heck I even think that Doom with skulltag or newer zandronum executable is more populated than q3 these days because it hold no singleplayer/campaign value so no coop mode.
while shit like that has been attempted to be made, success rate of them isnt great.
as a sidenote, I'm very skeptical about quake champions and wont give any opinions as what we've only seen in teaser and gameplay trailer is a very tiny glimpse into what may be.
I was a lot more hyped about the fps Romero and Adrian Carmack tried to put together but ended before it even started. without a proper explanation https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nightworkgames/blackroom-a-new-fps-from-romero-and-carmack?token=07458251
and diabolical already to me looks like emoji movie the game. srsly, what happened to fps genre? we went from walking inside dark rooms listening to 8bit metal, shooting demons drawn on 2D sprites to this fucking monstrosity.
I'm out of sync, slightly. Could anybody explain a bit, please, what is the problem with the idea of "staying with q3" ?

I'm out of sync, slightly. Could anybody explain a bit, please, what is the problem with the idea of "staying with q3" ?
It's simple, we don't get new players.
Much players left and this game is too old, that anybody would try it out.
Check the server spider....

I'm out of sync, slightly. Could anybody explain a bit, please, what is the problem with the idea of "staying with q3" ?
gIt's simple, we don't get new players.
Much players left and this game is too old, that anybody would try it out.
Check the server spider....
True on the one hand, but no one thinks about that there are many other players who are playing in other mods and pointreleases. Look at my community ([* V *] AW Freeze) I pulled like 20 ~ people from 1.16n to 1.32 and I think there is much more potential. Just yesterday I saw an unfreeze mod server with 10 people or in 1.16n. you have insta massacre servers which are full of active players (They play even similar configs as in E+). If we would try to make people swap to 1.32 and e + then we can create a bigger and fresh community that holds together again...The 2nd prob why players are so scattered is that there are quake clons like xonotic, cube2, warsaw, openarena... with openarena i dont even get the point to play excessive plus mod instead in quake 3...Its not easy but i still think its possible to refresh q3...
Thought it was possible, Diabotical looks very fun. Could work on it and if later we find QC gets mod support also mod it and have two options for e+