Hello everybody, I am pretty new here so I'l make a little introduction: My name is Tim de Vries (ign Dark*E aka b3nder) and I was forced to come here and play this mod by my 1.16 instagib clan nQe.
now I have a problem, when I set xp_enemycolors to let's say 22222 or 66666 the only colors that change on my enemy are it's head and railgun, the rest remains the same default red or blue color (depending on what team I'm on), first I thought it might be due to the cfg I made for here however it happened on a totaly default cfg aswell.
So I was hoping one of you people might know the cause of the problem and/or even better the solution for this matter because I could not find anything regarding this exact topic with google.
thx in advance, b3nder.
ps. bite my shiney metal ass!
set xp_enemymodel keel/xp or tankjr/xp . hope it helps.
it is simply a bad comand, try "xp_enemyColors 2222"
you need the C: and 4 numbers. your not in the right place here, it's developing area.
ew monk, learn the commands, its been since years.
xp_enemycolors "YXXXY"
Where Y are railcolors and X body colors.
Imo it sounds to me like you got a broken bodymodel or something because head is loaded properly, but body not. Do you get any errors when for example, joining a game? try playing keel/xp urself in ffa localserver and look if there are some.
bha i am just bad on this but i remember its needed to use a C on this command, "xp_enemyColors XXXX" nope? skull owned
sorry monk, but commands are not case sensitive, you can even shout R_GAMMA for example.
for me it is. see on yr cfg, i think you have : "xp_enemyColors XXXX"

for me it is. see on yr cfg, i think you have : "xp_enemyColors XXXX"
do you know what case sensitive means?
try in game : "xp_enemycolors 1234" and reply here if that affect something. im bored
well enemymodels do work, I just have a problem with the colors and I think it has to do with something else than the commands.
I get the same problem on any cfg.