®EU vs LSF 2:0 (Frezetag 06.06.2015)
6. June 2015 - 21:46
EU vs. LSF - 06/06/15
Score: 2:0 => And the Winner iiiis: EU
EU_Map 1: cpm14
Score: EU [20:6] LSF
LSF_Map 2: overkill
Score: EU [14:13] LSF
Gametype: FTAG
Players: 3v3
Timelimit: 15 Minutes
Fraglimit: 0
Config: plusN.cfg
Punkbuster: ON
Pure: ON
Ref: Echo, thanks for your time!
GG all and thx for make some fun possible!
7. June 2015 - 11:10
Re: EU vs LSF 2:0 (Frezetag 06.06.2015)
7. June 2015 - 11:14
Re: EU vs LSF 2:0 (Frezetag 06.06.2015)
EU vs. LSF - 06/06/15
Score: 0:2 => And the Winner iiiis: EU
EU_Map 1: cpm14
Score: LSF [6:20] EU
LSF_Map 2: overkill
Score: LSF [13:14] EU
Gametype: FTAG
Players: 3v3 / 4v4
Timelimit: 15 Minutes
Fraglimit: 0
Config: plusN.cfg
Punkbuster: ON
Pure: ON
Ref: Echo, thanks for your time!
GG all and thx for make some fun possible!
Dont flip the scores crazy post like on screenshots
7. June 2015 - 11:33
Re: EU vs LSF 2:0 (Frezetag 06.06.2015)
7. June 2015 - 13:26
Re: EU vs LSF 2:0 (Frezetag 06.06.2015)
Thx for corrections
, I'll watch wtf happened to me with those laggy jammed weapons
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]DOK[ DanGeR FroSteD!
Caipiroska-fragola , Sex on the beach, Pink floid
Soft prendiamo i soliti? ok, 1 canarino e 3 ACE con ghiaccio