EVOL is recruiting!
Yep we're still open for recruiting and ideally want 2-3 new (friendly) faces in the team. Here are the rules from the man himself...

1. No cheating!
2. No cheating! If caught cheating you will have to leave the clan. No second chances!
3. Must be nice to other players. Not rude and spam the console. Although we all get mad sometimes and that's cool to let of steam. Just don't want generally rude people.
4. Tag must be kept as the colors designed with both tag and name, font type color and size!
5. Try to make efforts to improve skills and become better team player.the 5 evol rules go with our saying
what I'm adding it the need to be committed to clan wars and training and be a fully active part of e+
at minimum you will need to be able to train once a week and really want to be available for and play cw's
oh and you have to be good
I'd just like to reiterate that skill isn't the most important factor that we consider. However, you MUST be a friendly person and respect the EVOL tag.
If you're interested, contact either of the following -
Wax: - or PM
IZ: izxe[at]hotmail.com or PM
Riddle: forestmagic[at]hotmail.co.uk or PM
jabs, wanna join 2 clans at same time? sneaky and evol?
sneaky is an rail only clan/team ???
WE PLAY:- TAG (plusM.cfg, plusN.cfg)
- CTF (railonly.cfg)
- TDM (e5r.cfg)
pipe spotted! He will not cheat, maybe he is cheatin just right now, decided to change, confused sheep XD
im in
Homix is da man
Clan rules are originally typed down by Gluon.
He will never be forgotten
Bump.Contact any evol member if you're interested (whos in clandb) but not Wax since he's i.a. atm.