Excessive Magnum/Advanced Concept
Using ExcessivePlus's super configurability, I have developed an Excessive variation that's designed to provide an Excessive experience still true to DM and CTF. Not only do you have to pick up your armors and power-ups, but you also must get your guns, ammo, and health, too, just like in regular Quake. However, the mod still captures the essence of Excessive; in fact, the only weapon that is changed at all is the RL, which is now weaker (including slower firing to limit screen clutter) because it's your main spawn weapon! The Railgun has been removed (since it's really just a weak MG), but all of the other weapons are intact and are usually available.
Notably, the BFG replaces the RL, so you can always get it.
The LG replaces the RG, so it's usually around.
The MG replaces the LG; it's usually around, but you won't find it on most space maps. :twisted:
Also, self damage is enabled, but considering how readily available health and armor are, it's not a huge price to pay to make a splash jump. Still, you can't just bounce around the map either.
Of course, stronger armor and health items mean that players don't get instagibbed all the time, but the Excessive power-ups can turn the tide at any time.
Put more brain in your Excessive game!
Warning: There are four lines that are commented out; they will not work properly until the next XP version, so this config is slightly impaired. However, there are enough changes to start tossing ideas around.
Pretty nice config. I like it!
That gave me the idea for xp_*Weight. It could be nice balance for gameplay.
Great, I wanted to ask you for permission anyway.

Thank you for the fixes.
Thank you for the config
Hey Pure, are you ultimately trying to create an 'excessive cpma' config ? I'd likely to be in if so
if the team does a good job of balancing the weapons.
It's all about configs. Excessive Plus will stay "excessive style" by default.
Anything else depends on the creativity of the players.
The team could go so far as to integrate CPMA physics.
We have done our own implementation of the QW physics. Further we've added
some "excessive physics" that'll give you more control over slide and knockback.
-> More possibilities for BFG or Grenade moves.
And to make the grapple more tasty, we've added some "grapple physics".
They will let the grapple behave like a "real" rope.
Converting players from Mr Pants 0.003 to almost any item-oriented config will have a revolutionary impact on the Excessive community.
Oh well..
I visited some excessive clan forums where they discussed about Excessive Plus, very sad.
They skipped the testing and hopped directly to their flames.
You could read comments like "Why should I download such a ****?" or "Oh no, not
another Xtreme Arena!"...
Well, I can waive on such a community. (Of course not all are like this.)

Further refinement would require adjustments that may fall out of the realm of this mod.
That's the problem. We do not want competition with OSP or other "regular"
quake mods. (Note: regular is quoted!)
Of course we were inspired by these mods but we all like Excessive and that's
why we've started this mod.

or "Oh no, not another Xtreme Arena!"
So XA had more luck, they at last tried it.
But no, calm down cid.
Thank you for the fixes.
I have updated the config based on the reply in the Bugs thread, which meant simply uncommenting the health-related lines. Please feel free to manipulate the file as you wish, since many of the values right now are arbitrary. If you can find a place for a revised version of this config in the next XP update, that would be great, too.
Some notes: I tripled the value of the major armor items but only doubled the sub-Mega health items, so that the health values would be more "normal" (10-50-100-300 rather than 10-75-150-300). However, the sub-Mega health items have a respawn of 15 instead of 35 to make up for the difference; this is an experimental concept, making the smaller health items respawn more often so they are a more dependable source of restoration.
The ammo pick-up values should be comparable to the vq3 counterparts.
The power-ups are cranked a little bit, and generally respawn more often. I've made this close to what the CPMA mod has done; I figure there couldn't be any harm in ripping off a system that is gameplay-oriented and fun, the best of both worlds.
Due to the nature of the config, players are expected to play on suitable maps. You can't maintain more than a 2vs2 on dm17, if even that. Fortunately Excessive servers also tend to have lots of custom maps, and some of them may have item placements more suitable than most id maps. Or you can fire up CPMA maps; they should play well, too (the mod installs the maps into the /baseq3 directory, so you can use them with any mod).
Thanks again!