Excessive National CTF Cup 2009 -Comments-
Okay guys, there it is.
Frenchmen list !
But we're going to have more people# Epykoi
# Supo
# Shadow
# Cuben
# Raikee
# Ste
# Andree
Are these people e5 players? I only recognize 1 name on the list, and when i'm thinking about french players i'm thinking about a few very good people not on this list.
french team is near 100% of plus players.
@epikoi : rajoute moi dans la liste
Also, I've added you Junki, AND list is not locked
I mean, I know Ash's not interested and I haven't talked to other frenchmen on e5 scene... and yeh, most of french e+ players are from plus.cfg so maybe it's the reason why you don't recognize most of them, Seth
and the stuppid dutch ppl dont have a team lmao
anyone wants some help ? i change my ID
maybe an 'immigrant' slot? with each national team allowed to invite a player from a country that doesnt have enough players to make its own team (too bad there are only 3 teams so far so this wont change much)
altho who'd want a fukin romanian smearing their naional pride
and the 'deported' jokes would never stop
so nvmtrax can i join your UN team?
That reminds me on BananasCup 2 (But only unranked)
noone on wgvd have some time 4 organice a german nt?
for CTF-nationalteam the first choice is en, not WgvD.
We play this gametype only for fun and our best CTF-players are almost non-german
So we would prefer a Bananas-cup and unranked
btw. Merry Christmas
and I haven't talked to other frenchmen on e5 scene...
Any reason? Since this won't be played on plus.cfg....
and the stuppid dutch ppl dont have a team lmao
Perhaps they don't feel like being associated with people like you maybe?
nobody interesting... only Epykoi... but where is Fatal? ;(