Excessive+News [14.09.2010]
Nice interview, happy belated birthday!
Well Done Darky and Rozyk
gl sql... and i will never forget the war against drt
was a damn close one.. soul ftw!
thank you Aspy<3Turajik<3
good job
Hello e+
First thing I noticed since my last visit on board:
the amount of rail and plus clans increased, gj
Again nice work with news and great job with interview.
... when I saw with who the interview is my first thought
was "omg excessive-egocentric again will spread his greatness"
But I started reading... and tbh I almost stopped after 4th question:
Age: turned 20 2 days ago, obviously 99% of community didn’t know or forgot, or didn’t read my msn nickname.
(@skull: I don't know if that is just a joke, but for Your information
about 60% of e+ don't like You as a person, so they won't wish You "all the best"
and propably about 20% more who just don't care )
... but after this question I kinda enjoyed the rest
(@skull: hb and gl + hf outside the e+, but for Your own good,
work on fixing Your attitude, You have alot of good things to offer.
Gloria Mōmentum
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”
“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway