Excessive Plus Configuration Files
Hey. I have been doing this project for some time and I finally got it somewhat done. It's a website for E+ users that let's users upload config files to ftp. Configs can be updated through the site also. The site may still contain some bugs so I set up a report form (you can see when you've logged in) that users can use to report bugs or give me suggestions. I'm also looking for moderators and admins for the site so if you think you could manage this and know stuff about configs you can contact me (through irc is the best way I'm at QuakeNet with the nick Kyto, or through msn which you can get from my profile).
Great work on it.
I will see if it can be hosted on e+ webspace, if yes, ill send you details and you can copy the site to e+ web.
i uploaded m0ve, plus, xp cpm, nh_1vs1 and edawn to the site, so people can find them more easily.
Hyvvää Moonshield

Nice that this site hasn't been burried.
At first I thought no one's gonna use it.
faceless wrath ? if it is you, well done gg
good to see you are still around, rehabilitated noob
no go ftp down no cfg. eplus site always on.. for backups ok
wtf - wheres old thread with all configs on it ?
..... did i missed somewhere ?
rr.cfg is uploaded
if u wanna try railonly cfg pls download it and have fun
Nice that this site hasn't been burried.
At first I thought no one's gonna use it.
Excessive Plus Configuration Files