Excessive Plus does not work (linux server) :(

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Joined: Jul 2007

I want to use Excessive Plus with on a Open Arena server (Linux). But it seems as if it always want's to connects with that excessive master server which causes Lag because of the missing Authorization.

The url seems to be hardcoded into the qvm so it can't be disabled.

Everthing works to the point when I log into the server and the map starts. Then I get Lag and connection interrupt happens.

Here is the console output:
0 teams with 0 entities
31 items registered
Hitch warning: 981 msec frame time
Resolving dpmaster.deathmask.net
dpmaster.deathmask.net resolved to
Sending heartbeat to dpmaster.deathmask.net
Resolving master0.excessiveplus.net
master0.excessiveplus.net resolved to
Sending heartbeat to master0.excessiveplus.net
Hitch warning: 526 msec frame time
Not authorizing client due to lack of auth server
Not authorizing client due to lack of auth server
Client 0 connecting with 0 challenge ping
ClientConnect: 0 \ip\\guid\2CCDCEA8C7D85BC59C5B9DD24316D913\tld\DE\country\Germany
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\test^7\t\0\arena\0\model\sarge/default\hmodel\sarge/default\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c\0
broadcast: print "test^s^7 connected (^3Germany^7, ^3DE^7, ^1CGAME^s)\n"
Sending heartbeat to dpmaster.deathmask.net
Sending heartbeat to master0.excessiveplus.net
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\test^7\t\0\arena\0\model\sarge/default\hmodel\sarge/default\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c\0
ClientUserinfoChanged: 0 n\test^7\t\0\arena\0\model\sarge/default\hmodel\sarge/default\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c\0
broadcast: print "test^s^7 entered the game\n"
ClientBegin: 0
----- Server Shutdown (Signal caught) -----
Sending heartbeat to dpmaster.deathmask.net
Sending heartbeat to master0.excessiveplus.net
Sending heartbeat to dpmaster.deathmask.net
Sending heartbeat to master0.excessiveplus.net
==== ShutdownGame ====

...any ideas? How can I make Excessive Plus trying to connect to other master servers then the Open Arena one? I already tried to "fix" this by having the excessive master server url redirected to localhost. So that maybe just a timeout would happen and then everything continues working.


r3n's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Excessive Plus does not work (linux server) :(

I didnt tried ioquake3 for running server on linux so I cant help you, \ but orginal quake3.x86 should do the work. It doesnt want serial number if you want to run server. You can download it from idsoftware site (look for quake3 1.32c linux).

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