Excessive Plus School
There is an excellent offer for all the new players in this mod who want to become good in short time. Have you ever wondered how you wallride, use grenades or BFG to move with?
Then pGv can give you the answer. Join the pGv-school and you will learn things faster than you ever thought was possible. If you are interested go to the pGv-clanpage and register. Write a little note under the school section at the pGv clan forum and the leaders will contact you.
how many clans are u in seal ?
nice man good initiative, hope loads will sign up man!

There is an excellent offer for all the new players in this mod who want to become good in short time. Have you ever wondered how you wallride, use grenades or BFG to move with?
Then pGv can give you the answer. Join the pGv-school and you will learn things faster than you ever thought was possible. If you are interested go to the pGv-clanpage and register. Write a little note under the school section at the pGv clan forum and the leaders will contact you.
Wondering how you got Admin Access / Approval :roll:
Seal, check PM Inbox
Iwant ppublic not personal
Seal is a sexy beast.
tsss ... bah ... ^^
Im in 2 clans. My own E5 clan. And NWC when i play other configs with instarail.
Visit us at http://progressiveplus.fragtown.com/index.php
Have a Bright View on your next Day <DayOne>
More Than Meet The Eye <Seal>
Step-Up the Mind & Move a step forward the <Solution> -->
pGv-ClanDB: http://www.excessiveplus.net/clandb/id=1059