Excessive Plus v1.0 Final Released!
The long awaited final version is out! Go and check out all the new features!
Tho it's more like a 2.0 version because it was completely redesigned.
What's new?
- Merged with the original Mr. Pants Excessive Overkill source code! This ensures that you have the very same weapon settings in the 'excessive1-4.cfg's. Even unlagged and all new features are disabled in this configurations to keep them 'original'.
- Distinction between "pure" and "unpure" configurations. This was definitely missing in the prior releases!
'excessive1-4.cfg's, 'magnum.cfg', 'xp.cfg' and 'default.cfg' are pure which ensures a compatibility between servers! You can be sure when joining a server with one of these configs to be pure and that the configuration is unchanged!
- The whole new scripting engine! Used for configurations, rotations, ban lists and timed cron script.
- Some new configurations including the very nice 'Magnum Excessive Advanced Concept', give it a try! But also adjusted the old, especially the Excessive cfg's (direct copy from the source).
- 4 new gametypes! Two of them are Capture the Flag variations which can bring some variety into your CTF action.
Return the Flag, One Flag CTF (many maps support this like q3wcp*, q3w*, q3wxs*), Freeze Tag and Protect the Leader (a whole new concept).
There are also tons of other updates for the client- and server-side which is all documented in the new manual.
Enjoy it!
This is real neat, but I still cant get the $%^&* grapple to work, can anyone send me a config with a working graple binded to the middle mouse button?
I have tryed everything reinstalled a few times, %I%^&*( withe the configs over 40hours. (with the old version and 30min with the new version I am sick of it)
for the rest good work!
I like it. The new sound, look and feel. But some changes seem weird, i gues the server admin can change the settings. I wont blame the creator
i'm gonna try it out now . Cya guys in the servers.
how to swith graphic to 1.0rc2 design ??!! i cant play wit this graphics :[ on r_picmip 5 all i fu.... easy help
thanx a lot ! very quick help
time to killing :twisted:
Ahhhh .... God bless U for this 'patch' ... Now it's much better One more question - is that only me that gets latgs while playing 1.0?
Somebody help! How I can paste this ^4^r^R^s^f^3ćěůĺň^s^4^r^R (it's my name )
to the consol! With Ctrl+c Ctrl+v doesn't work!
put it in your config file. I bind a key to it
Yes, enjoy it!