Excessive Plus v1.03!
After too many delays, it's finally here version 1.03!
Many updates, many fixes, we hope you like it.
What's new?
- Now with complete Multiarena support: Play totally different gametype in one arena and another in the second arena. Define individual settings like fraglimit, timelimit etc. per arena!
- Much more options in the Matchmode with timeout, team locks, roundbased gameplay and more.
- Many many bugfixes, like always not all are listed in the changes list to keep it small and readable.
There are also many of other updates for the client- and server-side which is all documented in the manual.
i cant w8 to finish work, drive fast to home, and upload it to our server.
for server u need than following?:
and pak3, not more, right?
great, it feel like christmas ...wait emm
yea finally, but hey....68% dled
mullder need to do a new bro.cfg, to do the old switchtime back this instand-switch sucks for bro
big thx e+ team
Yay The rail bug is fixed and there are no corpses,finnaly
But I liked the old scoreboard better
Muchas gracias e+ team
Yeeeah! Thanx e+ team, nice christmas gift
Thnx E+ Team!! good Job