Excessive Plus v2.0a
Here you have version 2.0a of Excessive Plus mod. Thanks to everyone that helped this release to come out.
The version increase, aside from serving as a marketing strategy, is because the pk3 files have been reorganized, so previous pk3 files are no longer needed. Also because a version for OpenArena is being released as well.
The package has been updated to fix demo playback for e+ 1.04beta6. Please download it again. Sorry for any caused inconveniences.
- This is a complete package, so remove any previous pk3 found inside excessiveplus folder.
- Even when this is an stable release and no new client/ui changes will be released until next version, server-side only updates will occasionally be released, targeting issues that may appear and others that still haven't been fixed.
- Server spider will be updated shortly.
- This package will be updated in the future to include a new version of Qname.exe once it gets released.
heh, how is it with compatibility of client and server? Both have to be v2?
this has been a fucking weird day in many ways. I JUST installed the rc1axp1030430 update and played a zombie PCW today, and here is new update. Scary.
I remember, last time new updated (1.04 rc i believe) came out, i said GG beast.
(edit: here is a little flashback humour)

gg Beast
nice work, but it reminds me of Duster's work right now.
good job
how i was worried with v2 client i cant connect to 1.04 servers and 1.03 also. I can just wait for v2 servers :roll:
Great job Beast. Check your regular e-mail.
Btw, a cool feature is that with 2.0 it's possible to playback demos from 1.02b, 1.03 and 1.04 (Sweet!)
this looks bad

this looks bad
Agreed, and have been privately raging about that in my head for the last few weeks WE MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS
Edit - Nothing has changed in my setup except installing the full new version, old demo playing does not work for me. WTF?
Edit 2 - Disregard that, I suck
ot: atm lovely beer freezer without items :Q__