Excessive server in dedicated server
I'm trying to setup a quake 3 excessive server and followed the tutorial on:
When i start the server it says:
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak5.pk3 (7 files)
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak4.pk3 (272 files)
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak3.pk3 (4 files)
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak2.pk3 (148 files)
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak1.pk3 (26 files)
534 files in pk3 files
Running in restricted demo mode.
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
534 files in pk3 files
Sys_Error: Couldn't load default.cfg
[quake3@server1 quake3]$
Wh ydo i get that error? and why does it say running in restricted demo mode? As my search paths do not match now, as they are in
/home/quake3/.q3a/demota according to the search patchs. But mine are in /home/quake3/.q3a
And why are all my pak files listed except the pak0 file?
i've already found the problem, that my pak0.pk3 was called PAK0.PK3.
It's running now