Excessiveplus clan rank Website
When it will be ready? :roll:Good question
if you read the first post you will see that we are waiting for foksie to finish the php/mysql...
oh wait...
If it does Foksie that we can wait eternity

If it does Foksie that we can wait eternity

If it does Foksie that we can wait eternity
I think Nosia means if we're waiting for Foksie to come back we're gonna be waiting forever.
I have question,
why do we need foksie to make it work ?
I'm total noob in those kinda stuff,
so could somebody explain why I see pictures,
but I don't see it working yet ?
http://temp.excessiveplus.net/ has been online for some time now. This was just about the layout afaik
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW :o! I can't wait for the new site! This is awesome!!! you could consider using red color on this white dominant white, it would look very good. Thanks for you effort guys and everyone who is working for this! You're changing plus history!
any1 can finish it someday?
ask mtk, sometimes he is online :]
we want new on 2012