excessiveplus freezetag
15. December 2004 - 22:54
can any one tell me what happend to the freeze on excessive srver or
16. December 2004 - 0:06
excessiveplus freezetag
The place that hosted the server burned down
16. December 2004 - 1:20
excessiveplus freezetag
I thought the admin shot his eye out!
16. December 2004 - 7:16
excessiveplus freezetag
I thought the admin shot his eye out!
LMAO I didnt think any of yall would know who that kid was
19. December 2004 - 22:24
excessiveplus freezetag
probobly Excessive reduce lags cutting the freaze but lags stille come...
Eh freaze is fun :")
c ya on the net Pink ;")
21. February 2005 - 0:45
excessiveplus freezetag
LOL Pinky! Its working..
21. February 2005 - 1:11
excessiveplus freezetag
theres a cute poodle