Excessiveplus TV
Ladies & gentleman, E+ proudly announce the launch of a great project created by Laktos and Camel.
Excessiveplus tv applauses
Many did a test this weekend, and we all got amazed by its service and functions that includes:
-Live streaming of Quake 3 games.
-Live chat in excessive plus.
-Up to 96 clients can view a match.
-Requires only 1 server slot to work.
Excessiveplus tv is hosted here http://www.mr-clan.net/vod/live.html but soon we will migrate this feature to tv.excessiveplus.net (site under construction).
This will be used on official e+ tournaments and special games.
Since we are using a PC to stream live to this service, we created a goal to buy a better capture card and cpu.
And the goal is to get 180 USD (motherboard, cpu, ram) or better capture card and here is the donation link
If you can contribute at least with 1 dollar it will help us not to kill this pc !! I will use this topic to show up the names of the donators so far.
Thank you e+!
Best Wishes
Tmp e+ Admin
Weeeeee!!! Applause!
if i could donate....
GG fuckers! need to see that!
Great idea!
Hope some people will contribute to poll of money....maybe we could test it in bloodbath cup games :twisted:
sounds cool. E+ TV!, i was already broadcasted on Xfire. its same.
one word "WOW"
Will donate after payday xD
$2 sent :oops:

$2 sent :oops:
better than nothing.

$2 sent :oops:better than nothing.
dont get scared when its about donating if this quantity is not reached ill find some sponsor
Visit: http://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/