.:Excessiveplus:. Youtube channel. UPDATE!

31 July 2007Last Sign In:
2 years ago
holy crap, who owns this ? lol
We need to find out and message them. If no one has already I'll message them from my YouTube account. http://youtube.com/ncrogdn
Don't bother looking all my vids are pretty shitty rly and from 2+ years ago.

31 July 2007Last Sign In:
2 years ago
holy crap, who owns this ? lol
I think the only way to get rid of that account is to write a nice letter to youtube admins with a reason, why
And the reason why can be:
-because account is old and wasnt active since that long time even once.
-because you want to use it for your own e+ youtube channel that will promote this mod.
but I think better & faster way for it will be create account with name like: excessiveplusmod xD

31 July 2007Last Sign In:
2 years ago
holy crap, who owns this ? lol
I think the only way to get rid of that account is to write a nice letter to youtube admins with a reason, why
And the reason why can be:
-because account is old and wasnt active since that long time even once.
-because you want to use it for your own e+ youtube channel that will promote this mod.but I think better & faster way for it will be create account with name like: excessiveplusmod xD
If you think that excessiveplusmod is a good idea, i have great news for yall.
Back in several months i came up to term with this idea of an official youtube channel to promote e+. Term decided to create it and guess what its youtube.com/excessiveplusmod and im on my way to retrieve the password.
The problem is that is registered by him so lets wait a few days so im able to speak with him and get that website under my control to make the needed changes.
once again. so far so good gentleman, lets keep rolling.
nice one spider u rock
Nice on spider
As first two of e+ movies in this channel maybe Excessive Speed and Infinity could be there? As far as I know youtube can handle only 10 minutes movies so to cut movies there is program called YAMB (http://yamb.unite-video.com/download.html). Could someone upload Inf and ES on this channel? I will pay by cookies.
Its simple program. You open it, click on EDITING, then first option (Click to split MP4 / M4A / MOV / 3GP Files), you choose input movie and set "split by duration" (in seconds) or "split by size".
We might change the name to something else - Keep watching this space and Spidey will come back with a definitive title.
You can also use Adobe Video Encoder
And my name is Epykoi But nvm, I don't really care.
So, I'm waiting for you all guys to tell me what video to upload there
I think you have me on msn Spider, so when you need me just tell me
If you think that excessiveplusmod is a good idea, i have great news for yall.
Back in several months i came up to term with this idea of an official youtube channel to promote e+. Term decided to create it and guess what its youtube.com/excessiveplusmod and im on my way to retrieve the password.
The problem is that is registered by him so lets wait a few days so im able to speak with him and get that website under my control to make the needed changes.
once again. so far so good gentleman, lets keep rolling.
Visit: http://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/