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Extreme Division passed out
Hi, for the happiness of some and for the despair of some others:
-ED- clan as been officially closed, we would to say thanks to all clans who played with us and supported us, thanks to our special friends and thanks to our enemies too, also thanks for all those who played in ED and did a good job in the past.
what to say... hmm...
for me it looked like it's only a matter of time until ED dies. but whatever... was nice for me to play with u guys gl with something else
ED was nice when NITE , NIGHT , BODZ and also many m8's were in ...
but it was the clan where i enjoyed the most so RIP and RESPECT to ED
Insane -ED- :!:
yep im sry i dont have try good work for ED maybe i cant be good leader , us last ED we can love ED but we are not the old and beast ED its hard for work after you guys realy
again sry !!
tobad guy's G'luck with youre lifes
was that nice clan when Bodz Akro Killa Night Nite Echo plays
Ktulu you killed it same as you killed MXC
Oh yes, it's the fate of most clans...
Ed had a great past, now was ding beacuse much thing, so we decided to close it. game over xD
gl u2
Ktulu! -ED-