Fairy Kicked from PHC
Fairy was KICKED from PHC for cheating.
- JoeyB
here are his IPs from forum if you wish to take any banning actions against him. [ 58 Posts ] <--- Latest post [ 66 Posts ] [ 37 Posts ] [ 1 Post ]
lol..i'm prolly one of the only PHC that doesn't give a fuck about the game xD
wut you mean practice like a family? i rarely get on LOL

Anyways, I'll still be around, you and me can play together still impulse <3.
once every month?

everyone is playing for themselves and not trying to learn.
dvinsk told me i was a lone wolf
but anyway bye

everyone is playing for themselves and not trying to learn.dvinsk told me i was a lone wolf
but anyway bye
who told you that?

map pigskin, addbot gauntlet 10 red (8 of them) g_speed 600 to 1000. I work with that so that I can hit things moving lightening fast. No one wanted to try it with me ever, if you did you'd all know how I can make some of the shots I make.
well yea, here we go:
first u claim u play 8 years instagib.

I only played instaunlagged for 8 years then moved to E+ a couple years ago.
now u say u trained with gauntlets to gain this skill.
Since gauntlet is an e+ specific bot (huh, yeah, seriusly!) im wondering what u did the 8 years before.
or if u learned railing like that before, why u train gauntlets now when it doesnt improve you?
either way this just shows that ur storys meanwhile overcross itself!
phc is better without you cheater and joey was prolly about to kick u anyways.
I have no reason to use your training method. Gaunts are all good and fine, they do help build a basic foundation however there is no need to play gaunts as a team. In-fact playing them as a team would only take away much skill required to play the gaunts (with or without a high g_speed)
Practice is Practice. Skill is Skill. In school if a teacher gives you homework you do it, you do not show up saying "hey I figured we could have milk and cookies and work on this together." People can go ahead and do that on their own if they wish. In-fact, I am in Dakini's place doing so, as well as in elitez sometimes. Also, I was never asked to play gaunts with anyone, i was only told about the 'really cool and advanced training method' that I had been using since I came to e+ 6 or so years ago whenever I would be feeling shitty. g_speed is irrelevant, how accurate the shot is and how fast you can react and snap is very important. I do agree it helps however, there are many things it does not help that you are claiming. Oh and for the record, if someone wanted to 'train', all they had to do was ask. The only reason I would turn anyone down is if I had a long day and just want to frag without care or reason and have people going "lololol i beat joyb. i pro." I like to relax when i play.
The reason PHC didn't have clan practices is because no one ever gives me their schedule. If I said I was planning a cookie and pizza party and asked for schedules would that work? Probably. In any sense, I like PHC to be an enjoyable family. Not some up-tight stick up the ass clan. Yes I like winning but, I also like fun.
There is no reason to argue such trivial things. You go populate a clan with elite players and be leader if you want things done your way.
There are many things I would like to do however

No I am not joining another clan, I dont play enough anymore. Thanks.

everyone is playing for themselves and not trying to learn.dvinsk told me i was a lone wolf
but anyway byewho told you that?
first practtice for dvinsk. (first time i was in it)
i was always teh last one left and bio would yell at me ..
and tell me i cant be a lone wolf .
And I played with you the most. Thats what I call no practise, and no dedication. I suggested many methods of practising, Joey doesnt understand when I say, lets use server settings to get an advantage, so I'll say it again so everyone can practise how I do, if they even care or play anymore. /g_gametype 3 (tdm), map pigskin, addbot gauntlet 10 red (8 of them) g_speed 600 to 1000. I work with that so that I can hit things moving lightening fast. No one wanted to try it with me ever, if you did you'd all know how I can make some of the shots I make. Too bad the rest of PHC didnt get to practise that sort of shit with me. I also was doing some rocket only training, but I guess everyone just likes to play alone and not feed off eachother anymore. Its different than when we play with EVERYONE (10 ppl) in NF or Deex, because everyone is playing for themselves and not trying to learn.
Anyways, I'll still be around, you and me can play together still impulse <3.