Family players :wink:
In q3 e+ sometimes play whole family. This topic is for writing players which someone from his family plays to. :roll:
|Ng|Kozolec ==> TC*Pokemon (brothers)
(.WASP.NCROGDN.) ==> Spektra (husband/wife) altho she is highly inactive atm
HYP'SRiAM -> DEST*STiFU (brothers )
EVOL.IZ and EVOL.BAZZE (dad/brat)
AR4X => AR4X's righteous twin
Skull & 5I<I_I11 (schizophrenic)
Here are some i am aware of -
Marcus - Faith (brothers)
Pjax - Jak - Camel (brothers)
Foksie'loy - 3n3low (brothers)
Rena - RenaJR (dad & son)
Deky - Dea (siblings)
Anemic - Parasight (brothers, Para is away atm)
Atwa - Oi! (siblings, Oi! dosen't play E+ anymore)
Whimp - Sting (siblings, i think ;d)
And last but not least
Enter X - David Hasslehoff
Well, that's about all i can think of... altho i'm sure i missed a bunch. (btw, i'm not adding playing "couples" on purpose ;p)
here's a no-braainer:
Budman - Li'l Budman
Weebl had his brother playin here shortly...
HB Cigaro and HB Crow are bro's
And according to my central source (ma man from da US who knows every1 here and who will remain unindetified):
***content removed cos it sucked a$$***
Ms.W1LLFRAG4FOOD has a brother who played for Hyper (i think that more family members played it too, but Im not that sure :oops: i jus heard bout it)
And finally, during the Christmas holidays, I might try to introduce my dad to q3 (he's not the "computer games" type, but he likes Wolfenstein, so I might try to connect on that
Pjax - Jak - Camel (brothers)
Thats like 3 brothers who are all clanleaders
Evol.Homix has children playin E+
Sure that wasn't Izzy and Bazze?
wrote:Evol.Homix has children playin E+Sure that wasn't Izzy and Bazze?
i think homix doesnt have kids...
VEN'RNT -->> SAW (bro) :twisted: