Father killed his own baby
I've found this info from CDA.PL:
"Philadelphia Inquirer telled about trgic news, that there is something with VIdeo Games. 17 month Alayiah Turner for innocence pulled cable from XBOX make the console fall from table.Father's Alayiah Tyrone'a Spellman'a, hitted his own baby or throwed on the room.
When her mother was at home, father lied that baby is sleeping. But the truth is that she's dead!POlice was called for this that baby falled from bed,but mother knowed the truth that his baby is killed,Tyrone is at the jail for killing his own baby."
Poor kid
some people a bit protective of their video games instead of whats really important
i read about..i mean how stupid must the father be to think an adult puch, hit, wouldn't be able to do serious damage to a baby...fuckin asshole. hope he can live with himself...i doubt his dead baby would ever forgive him for that.
Omfg... what can be said? Every time i think i've seen the deepest reaches of human stupidity, some dude knocks from below.