favorite beer ^^
I <3 all beers! x] mmmmmmm
lately i love Ciechan Miodowe beer
miód- honey, fantastic taste.
not pasterized.
to be honest- it really doesnt taste like typical beer.
its' veryyyyyyyyy sweet.
Oohhhhhhh yeah!! ciechan miodowe is just delicious!!!!!! I love this beer! ^^
1) Hoegaarden (BE)
2) Peroni (IT)
3) Kronenbourg 1664 (FR)
I useally buy this spanish beers:
But also near my house I have got a very good supermarket that have got beers from all over the world...
So my spanish fav beers are:
Cruzcampo (Spanish) = http://www.beerhere.co.uk/acatalog/F319_Cruzcampo_33cl.jpg
Shandy Cruzcampo (Spanish) = http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_uq9Qi0GSWx8/Sjo6EuBRqXI/AAAAAAAAAM0/yLERWAQzmHw/s320/shandy2.JPG
Mahou Negra (Spanish) = http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fF47nyqSgaI/Rt6vN01iNLI/AAAAAAAAAG0/8y6phK4hPmM/s320/MAHOU%2BNEGRA.jpg
Estrella Damm (Spanish) = http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3197/2759948892_186cd03af4.jpg
San Miguel (Spanish)= http://www.interactivadigital.com/fotos/comun/actualidad/FEBRERO2008/Estrategias/42756-sanmiguel.jpg
and internationals are:
Corona extra (Mexic) = http://blogvecindad.com/imagenes/2007/06/corona_cerono.jpg
Heineken (Holland) = http://www.gurusblog.com/jordi/wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/heineken-cervessa.jpg
Baltika (Russia) = http://popsop.ru/wp-content/uploads/baltika_7_inuk.jpg
Ciechan Miodowe (Poland) = http://www.agrafka-zgierz.pl/piwo/Ciechan%20%20Miodowe.jpg
Point Horizon Wheat (USA) = http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3642/3348444861_f9f81d1f11.jpg
Carlsberg (Denmark) = http://www.cervezascaseras.com.mx/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/imgCarlsberg1.jpg
lately i love Ciechan Miodowe beer
miód- honey, fantastic taste.
not pasterized.
to be honest- it really doesnt taste like typical beer.
its' veryyyyyyyyy sweet.
Yeah, it's great
I don't have my fav beer. Brands that I like:
- Ciechan Miodowe (PL) http://adamfido.republika.pl/ciechan.jpg
- Żywiec (PL) http://www.creativ3.pl/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/zywiec.jpg
- Heineken (holland) http://a01.cdn.a.pl/Zdjecie-16354/Heineken-piwo-jasne-650ml-Full.jpg
- dog in the fog (UK?) http://www.lemarkbbc.com/images/bottles/465_DogInTheFog.JPG
- STRONG (PL) http://prportal.pl/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/STRONG-butelka.jpg
- carlsberg (Denmark) http://chronicle.com/img/photos/biz/Carlsberg_beer.jpg
- miller (USA) http://wojowniczezuleninja.blox.pl/resource/miller_beer.jpg
I just like good beer
1 Heineken
2 Miller
3 San Miguel
4 Carlsberg
tekel beer
2 liters bottle beer