®FFT:: AXN 2-0 UN1TY/15.02.09
oh go go unity, i know u can do better!!!
iam playing like a cow with fat big boobs.....camping we hate it me neither
anyway gg axn thx
Huh? How its possible? Unity you could be better
Anyway gg
e, Jaguar... GG MATES?! where is it? come on dont be nnoob, wite it;d mate. Anyway gg Axn, un1ty... ehhh, could be better i think. Next time!
GG Jag my mate
What the **** ?
Never play when u dont have your best squad. No Offence to anyone - but where is Trouble ? Mow ? Bob ?
Well played AXN, but i think you got this one easy. Unity can definitely play much much much better.
trouble cant in the weekend. mow busy Bob Inactive...and iam noob thats was sucky........
i want to say why some clans most the hole game camp like hell and wait in the shadow to shoot someone.... why clans not play like 2!soul move nice tactic and kicks asses...... boah thats the ground we are so angry because always this campy shitty.....
Heh nice plain>unity do better ofc.Go go asphyx (move your ass next time )
asphyx i kill u in public 4 that, u should win, what the heck