[Fixed] All payers in team kicked and strange Teamchat
we played tonight a fw against Mr.
While the game all players in my team was kicked and me showed strange Teamchat which dont go away from display.
Here the screenshot.
I've seen the bug with the strange chat too one time in the beer freezer but then i wasn't lucky to do a screenshot with it... so i can say i was witness
meybe its because of the new symbols in the names?
unique --> x <-- terror.
i talk about 'x' symbol
Those "new letters and marks" are pretty anoying.
Sometimes can't connect to server because of "inavlid password issue"
Changing name doesnt work at all.
Only working way to connect is to take of the password and make
server public, than when everybody is on server make it password protected
And there's still the pb + new symbols issue,
some people get kicked because of letters and symbols in their nickname
what is going on ?
IMO this is most annoying BUG in e+
Sometimes can't connect to server because of "inavlid password issue"
- dunno if it was mentioned in any thread b4, but if u wanna connect w/o any issues:
1.set the password
2.change nick to smth easy..
3.connect server
ps: terrorek pm me for fw vs ks. Mnc dont wanna talk with me
this is the way to do it:
/connect (server ip)
/password (password
/name oilsgho(or any other random letter)
as far as i know this problem existed already with 1.03
Actually, that way you wont connect on servers like BBS-TraiN
this is the way to do it:
/connect (server ip)
/password (password
/name oilsgho(or any other random letter)
No voila, it doesn't work, but I found different solution.
Edit your q3config.cfg in excessiveplus folder.
Find "name" and "xp_name" line and type in ur nickname
but using only normal letters.
name "terror"
xp_name "terror"
Save the file, and than right mouse button on q3config.cfg file,
and "properties"
There tick "read only file"
This simple thing fixes all pb + invalid password issues.
But remember that now q3config.cfg wont be generated so
any new commands which u are adding to ur private cfg
wont be default in q3config.cfg
So when u gonna change something in ur private cfg, always
remember to change those things in q3config.cfg
(but first u must un-tick the "read only" and after editing what u
wanted, rememeber to set "read only" again).
xDDDDDDDDDDDDD understood ?
why can I connect to every server, including bbs one like that?
when your cfg is read-only and your have weapon binds that change sens or other cvars, then u get a message in console saying cant write to q3config.cfg every time u change weapon. this is annoying.