Formal Apology
I understand I was on several servers through the course of last night (April 19th and 20th), incoherent and babbling. I may have said things that were offensive -- if they could be deciphered at all -- and the only servers I clearly remember being on were God's Frag Farm and Term's Killing Den.
Fact of the matter is I was on more drugs than I could handle. I don't know why I didn't just fall asleep much earlier in the night than I did because I must've taken much more than I am used to and far more than I thought I did. So to everyone who was there and had to witness this, and to anyone who I may have offended or insulted somehow, I'm truly sorry.
I'm usually much better about knowing my limits than this, please do not think this is the beginning of a trend in my behavior and actions. If I've lost ground with some of the people I was playing/speccing with I'll do what I can to gain your trust and respect back.
I know overdoing it is no excuse (especially if I said anything horrible), but it will not happen again...
Ahhh bro cmon, No worries, I do that from time to time, take a few too many pills to relax, and can be a little obnoxious. Shit happens man. haha. Anyone who knows you must have figured you just had a bad day, we all have them.
Remember kids, drugs are bad!
Haha, don't worry Necro, you're such a cool guy i doubt anyone could hold a serious grudge against you for long And who of us hasn't said anything foolish online while his mind was besieged by strong chemicals ?
Remember kids, drugs are bad!
no worries necro, it hapens
i dont understand what ppl see in drugs
alcohol is good enought for me
...bloody hippies...
...bloody hippies...
lmfao wax
they aren't that bad
i know whatever necro ever said to me i would never change my point of view on him he's one of the very few people i ever met in q3 that i agree with in so many stuff, he's like a brother from a different mother for me
This is true. Used in moderation, by a responsible adult, they aren't so bad... but I was not being moderate. I was being irresponsible and foolish. Also know these were (mostly) not illegal drugs, I was doing two kinds of prescription drugs in addition to one illegal one. Doing drugs you have an RX for is okay, doing drugs someone else has an RX for is NOT.