Free Webspace Offer
For those who still don't know we offer free Webspace for clan or community websites.
As long as the content is Excessive Plus related.
The offer contains:
- 100-200 MB (2-15 GB traffic/month)
- Confixx Control Panel
- Unlimited FTP Accounts
- CGI (Perl, Python, etc)
- MySQL Databases
- Log Analyzer (Webalizer)
- Customized Error Pages
- Password Protected Directorys
- etc.
If you have a domain with Nameserver access:
- unlimited POP3/SMTP accounts (
- unlimited subdomains (
If you don't own a domain you will get e.g.
Interested? Mail us at
I get e-mail back. =(
Try a PM to cid, He's a busy man so sometimes it takes a little while but he will answer, and hes cool so its always been good answers for me
Oops That was me
I am getting the emails sent to "" sent back to me. Its not working.
Me 2...
Email fixed.
You got mail
Gott mos! (<- Swe expression)
Thanks Easy, u r a saviour...
hi......thnx i received excessive webspace..... Do u konw hoe can i add mij self bij Clandb .....
..hear it frm you ,,hehe
post a thread in "Teams and Clans", read the insturctions first though ...
I am getting the emails sent to "" sent back to me. Its not working.
Anyway CID I sent you a PM