Freon Duel
! Freon ! :: Duel :: !
Duel 1vs1 server settings:
Multi weapon config vote option, look at end for picture reference
3 minute timelimit
0 fraglimit
bot_minplayers 2 ( custom weapon change bots )
Rotation list:
arenagate //q3dm1
powerstation //q3tourney1
longestyard //q3dm17
ql_ProvingGrounds //q3tourney2
ql_hearth //q3dm3
ql_hellsgate //q3tourney3
aerowalk //hub3aeroq3
eviscerated //q3dm4
useandabuse //cpm3a
verticalvengeance //q3tourney4
forgotten //q3dm5
ql_bloodrun //ztn3tourney1
that's awesome SK thanks!
Good Job Shadow, You're bringing the community back to life. When we can expect CTF server only?

i What i have in mind is removing the skip ctf vote at freon, how i had tdm / ffa before that was forced and everyone plaid it without complaint, or at least almost everyone.
CTF's are max 10 minutes , vs the 30 - sometimes up to 1 hour of freeze tag game time that is plaid in 2 maps i think is fair .

When we can expect CTF server only?
idk about ctf server only , i mean there is always been one there freon ctf made / managed by V , but is always empty. What i have in mind is removing the skip ctf vote at freon, how i had tdm / ffa before that was forced and everyone plaid it without complaint, or at least almost everyone.
CTF's are max 10 minutes , vs the 30 - sometimes up to 1 hour of freeze tag game time that is plaid in 2 maps i think is fair .