Freon PureSkill AC News

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haxxus's picture
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Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

We have partially enabled PS on Freon , Learn everything about PureSkill at

You need to download and replace PS.exe with your current quake3.exe , there is a 1.32c and ioq3 version available.

Anyone who has been called a cheater can now prove others wrong! Happy

2. Features 1.
General information PureSkill scans game memory for cheats and modifications, which should not be there. PureSkill works even if the server you are on doesn’t support it. You can still see which players use anticheat by typing /ps in console.
2. Commands
a) /ps ─ shows all players with anticheat client on current server and their status Clean/Cheater. When PureSkill is enabled on server it will automatically kick all players reported as cheaters.

All Credits go for this wonderful Idea, Thank you and hope you continue this and other game developments Tongue

EL-D1ABL0's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

did u test some cheats for check out this program? there is no details bout this thing if works or not, im curious

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haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States
Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

only the common q3hook , I cant find any other custom cheat, but the way it works it will block anything. Send me all your cheats and ill test Sleepy

Deadrose's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

I used 1.32c because 1.32e did not support PunkBuster. If PureSkill works as it should, there is no need for PunkBuster anymore and 1.32e is my new choice. So I voted 1.32e.

Joined: Mar 2013
RU Russian Federation
Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

1.32e support punkbuster-_-

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

"For sales or distribution, the entire source code need to be made available to end users, including any code changes and additions—in that case, copyleft is applied to ensure that end users retain the freedoms defined above."

Please tell the dev to provide the source code for his .exe since according to the user manual it contains parts of quake3 code which is GPL licensed.

Also I don't trust .dll by non verified source.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

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haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States
Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

well at the heart of things , if the only way to make an anticheat 100% is to not reveal its secret, ill back it up all the way
and everyone who wants to play free of cheats will too.

About the legitimacy, Is not for sale, distribution wise is up to the user's whether to get it or not.

I don't see any way this is breaking GPL, But even so if is what it takes to Block cheats and is not unlawfully profiting, then I can't see anything bad about it.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

Every client anticheat has the following problem:

basically the inner systems cant detect out of the box.
means if you scan stuff within quake3, u are prevented from accessing outside of it.
if you run a VM it cant access its Host system.
the Host system user space cant access the driver/Kernel space (r0).
the Kernel cant access hardware manipulation (imaging a small PC with dual-Lan running wireshark making something force feedback when ur crosshair points on an enemy who is behind a wall (that situation for example increases traffic in cs:s, cs:go - those net_graph is forbidden)).

to sum it up, to detect a cheat u need to run on a higher access level then it.
to hide a cheat u need to run it on a higher access level then the anticheat.

imagine a hacked gfx driver that just "flips" z_buffer - every entity will be in front of everything else. If you don't have access to scan the system drivers your anticheat is basically in theory useless.

alternatives are server anticheat (which prevent the hacker from interfering with it, he has to hack the server) or a super fast updating game code.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

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haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States
Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

Why not first try to bypass it, I bet Your the most qualified to do so

Joined: Mar 2013
RU Russian Federation
Re: Freon PureSkill AC News

1.32e pleaseeee